“We must find a balance in life. The Bible does this. In alcohol the balance is in moderation. Moderation is a range of use. In the case of alcohol the range is from none to small amounts. Abstaining is moderation on this issue because alcohol is not a need.”I noticed later that I used a word that has become a part of our political discussions and like so many words used by the post-moderns, it is taking on a new meaning. I refer to the term “moderate” or “moderation.” According to my computers dictionary, “moderate” means “1) average in amount, intensity, or degree; 2) (of a political position) not radical or extreme.” That is the way that the word, as an adjective, has been understood until the last ten years of so.
No longer.
Now “moderate” means that you agree with the Progressives (Socialists, Communists, elites, academia, Democrats) and their ideas. Thus we have the left wing media labeling Republicans as moderate when their views are those of Democrats. As an example of this thinking I remember a conversation with one of my fellow teachers who thought that the L.A. Times was a conservative news paper. Really. He said it and meant it. Today I had a man quoting out local paper as if that meant anything. I used to have a friend who wrote for that paper. He was a left-wing, Berkeley radical from the 60's. He fit right in. Since he was older, taking baths and getting haircuts, he would be considered “moderate.”
So just as “love” has come to mean sex, “gay” has come to mean homosexual, “respect” has come to mean multi-cultural equality, and “tolerance” has come to mean approval, now “moderate” has come to mean the L.A. Times.
Understand that Orwell’s “new speak” is alive and well among us.
homo unius libri
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