
Welcome to Varied Expressions of Worship

Welcome to Varied Expressions of Worship

This blog will be written from an orthodox Christian point of view. There may be some topic that is out of bounds, but at present I don't know what it will be. Politics is a part of life. Theology and philosophy are disciplines that we all participate in even if we don't think so. The Bible has a lot to say about economics. How about self defense? Is war ethical? Think of all the things that someone tells you we should not touch and let's give it a try. Everything that is a part of life should be an expression of worship.

Keep it courteous and be kind to those less blessed than you, but by all means don't worry about agreeing. We learn more when we get backed into a corner.

Sunday, February 16, 2014

Opus 2014-42: Is It My Turn?

It may be my turn to lose my health insurance.

Our union has been negotiating over health benefits.  They reached an agreement.  Part of it is to move all of our providers under a new “insurance pool.”  I hope that isn’t jargon for “exchange.”  We are all being required to re-submit all of our information and provide a copy of our original marriage license if we want our spouse covered.  The plan that we had before is not being offered.  Some changes will be required. 

This sounds like the scenario in which so many people have been losing their coverage.  Among the interesting aspects is that we have about twenty days to complete the process and my wife tells me it takes 90 days to get a certified copy of a marriage license.  Hmmm.

I am not being overwhelmed by panic.  Not yet.  There will be plenty of time for that later.

homo unius libri


  1. Replies
    1. I know we get the government we deserve but I didn't vote for any of these guys.

      Grace and peace.


Comments are welcome. Feel free to agree or disagree but keep it clean, courteous and short. I heard some shorthand on a podcast: TLDR, Too long, didn't read.