
Welcome to Varied Expressions of Worship

Welcome to Varied Expressions of Worship

This blog will be written from an orthodox Christian point of view. There may be some topic that is out of bounds, but at present I don't know what it will be. Politics is a part of life. Theology and philosophy are disciplines that we all participate in even if we don't think so. The Bible has a lot to say about economics. How about self defense? Is war ethical? Think of all the things that someone tells you we should not touch and let's give it a try. Everything that is a part of life should be an expression of worship.

Keep it courteous and be kind to those less blessed than you, but by all means don't worry about agreeing. We learn more when we get backed into a corner.

Saturday, June 13, 2015

Opus 2015-167: Headlines: Be Concerned for Those Oppressed Asians

I just received my May issue of California Educator, the Pravda of the California Teachers’ Association (CTA).  Being open minded I will usually glance through and read the captions the editors think are worth putting in big print for their public school graduates who are teachers.  Being intelligent, I rarely read the articles.

The front cover emphasized a title “‘Model Minority’  Do You Look Beyond the Myth?”  In small print for the rest of us it identified this a applying to Asian students. 

I glanced quickly through the pages and its usually selection of mind numbing, insultingly PC articles.  There was one on the shooting of a young thug in Ferguson that ignored all of the facts and got into race-baiting immediately.   Several pages spoke to the glory of “Education Support Professionals” (aka janitors, bus drivers, clerks).  Tax the greedy rich corporations also got a nod.  A typical month of “journalism” for CTA.

I looked a little closer at the cover story.  It seems that it is a terrible thing for people to look at Asians as being superior.  Since the CTA is into diversity instead of accuracy they lump Asia American/Pacific Islander together.  I am well aware that we think Chinese students are the top of the deck academically.  I was not aware that we put Samoans in the same category.  I guess once you start looking at people with group identity, like the Progressives do, instead of as individuals, as conservatives do, it is necessary to make some racists assumptions. 

Rest assured, I did not read the entire article.  Life is too short to waste that way.  One sub-title caught my attention, “Parental pressure not a myth”.   It says,
“It may be a joke, but there is a lot of parental pressure on Asian American students to succeed,...students say parental pressure is commonplace.”  p. 12
Well, duh.  This should come as no surprise to anyone.  What might also not surprise you is that this CTA article portrays that parental pressure as a bad thing. 

One reason that such a high percentage of our university students in the math and physics departments are Asian and graduate to good jobs and so few in the Liberal Studies department are Asians who end up working fast food, is that the parents motivate them to success.

CTA should be proclaiming this as a solution to declining education standards, not a problem.

I should be rich and good looking, too.

homo unius libri


  1. Of course parental pressure should be a factor. My parents let me know in no uncertain terms what their expectations were concerning my education. And in a lot of other areas as well. I passed those expectations on to my own children, liberally dosed with "You don't want to do what you know you should? Fine. You can contemplate the error in your thinking while your friends are at the football game and you aren't." Amazing how parental pressure can bring about a change in attitude and performance.

    1. Are you sure that you are not Asian? Could it be that parental pressure could be a universal ingredient in successful children? I guess it seems obvious to both of us. Now if we could just convince the CTA.

      Grace and peace.

  2. Concerning rich and handsome, I believe that falls under "no-one ever said that life is fair." lol

    1. My dad used to say it, "Why couldn't I have been rich instead of so good looking?"

      Grace and peace.

  3. What a load of Asian crap. And trust me, that stinks like fishsauce sometimes. LOL

    1. Don't shoot the messenger, my boy. This is your California Teachers' Association talking. It is really a load of Democrat feces regarding Asians.

      Grace and peace.


Comments are welcome. Feel free to agree or disagree but keep it clean, courteous and short. I heard some shorthand on a podcast: TLDR, Too long, didn't read.