It is knocking at the door. Where do those of us who still have a shred of moral fiber go from here?
The question has already been asked politically. I remember during the 2016 presidential campaign how Ted Cruz shared what his father had said. To paraphrase, he had fled tyranny in Cuba and come to the United States. If the United States falls and become another socialist workers paradise, where do we go from here? There is no place left.
I have already left California. So many leftists have fled that they are infecting the rest of the country. I came to Texas. Now I hear that Austin is talking about changing the name of the city because the man it is named after had slaves. Really? The crazies are alive and well in the Lone Star state.
Where do I go from here? I may not need to worry about it. I am old enough that I may be dead by the time the fools completely take over. I am worried more about my children and grandchildren. I am worried about your decedents.
I have hope though. This is not the first time that perversion has been ascendent. I think of the discussion between God and Abraham about the future of Sodom. God was going to destroy it because of it evil. Eventually Abraham brought his plea for mercy down to this.
(Genesis 18:32 KJV) And he said, Oh let not the Lord be angry, and I will speak yet but this once: Peradventure ten shall be found there. And he said, I will not destroy it for ten's sake.God agreed to spare Sodom if there were ten righteous in the city. Sodom was destroyed.
How many will it take for God to spare America?
homo unius libri