
Welcome to Varied Expressions of Worship

Welcome to Varied Expressions of Worship

This blog will be written from an orthodox Christian point of view. There may be some topic that is out of bounds, but at present I don't know what it will be. Politics is a part of life. Theology and philosophy are disciplines that we all participate in even if we don't think so. The Bible has a lot to say about economics. How about self defense? Is war ethical? Think of all the things that someone tells you we should not touch and let's give it a try. Everything that is a part of life should be an expression of worship.

Keep it courteous and be kind to those less blessed than you, but by all means don't worry about agreeing. We learn more when we get backed into a corner.

Monday, August 26, 2024

Opus 2024-239: Averages

I recently watched some Clickbait of an interview with RFK Junior.  One point stood out of my mind.   He commented that the average cost of a home in America has gone from $200,000 to $400,000.  I can’t remember how long ago he put the $200,000 figure so let’s focus on his comments about this.

He said that this average price of $400,000 makes it impossible for our children to own homes.  That sounds really scary.  It is meant to sound scary.  We were supposed to internalize it.  We were supposed to think of the greedy banks and the greedy builders and the greedy, sellers, etc.  We are supposed to run to the government for solutions.  Keep in mind he is still a Democrat.   But let’s think about this moment.

When you talk about averages, in case you weren’t listening in statistics, there are three basic types, the mean, the mode, and the median.  Each one has a different meaning, and each one may come out totally different using the same database.  Most people think of average as adding all of the dollar prices of homes, dividing by the number of homes, and you come out with an average.  OK.  That’s what most people think of as average.  If you’re thinking of an average looking guy or gal, then it’s someone that doesn’t stand out either way.

So we have an average of $400,000 for a new home.  Actually, he didn’t even say new home, I don’t think.  What that means is that half of the homes in the country are over $400,000 and half the homes in the country are under $400,000.  The thing that determines the cost of the house is quality, size and location.  If the average price of a home is $400,000, that means that there are plenty of people out there that are willing to pay $400,000 per house.  It also means that half the population buying houses is willing and able to pay more than $400,000.  It doesn’t mean that there are no affordable homes on the market.

What will keep our children from owning homes?  The willingness to live in what they can afford is the biggest factor.  There are homes that are available at low price but they are not located where our children want to live.  They may not have the amenities that our children think are requirements to live with.  They not may not be cute and modern.  They may need work.  That’s a long way from saying our children can’t afford homes.

You need to keep in mind that when someone like RFK says this, they are speaking from a socialist or communist perspective.  One of their goals is the redistribution of wealth.  Of course, they mean your wealth, not theirs.  One of their solutions to this cost problem is to put a cap on the cost of homes and introduce rent control.  Or if you watched Dr. Zhivago you’ll find that it means moving poor people into all the bedrooms in your mansion.  If you are single or have no children at home then that means the solution is move two more families into your house for those extra two bedrooms.  This is not free enterprise.  This is not liberty.  This is not American.

Beware of wolves in sheep’s clothing.  I didn’t make that up. I heard it somewhere.  RFK has endorsed Donald Trump.  Politically for Donald Trump that may be a good thing.  If Donald Trump keeps him under control and doesn’t listen to him outside of the areas where he seems to understand what’s going on, then well and good.  He can be a good influence.  But we need to remember that he offered his services to the Democrats shortly before he came to the Republicans.  His intentions are not pure.

I have not done a detail study on RFK, and what I have heard I don’t remember my sources, so take what I say with a grain of salt.  What I remember hearing is that on anything that does not have to do with covid, vaccines, and the collusion between the government and the pharmaceutical industry he is a raging liberal.  As a raging liberal, he will use the camels nose under the tent to come in and get in the sleeping bag and try to dictate who starts the fire and what we have for breakfast.

If you’re looking for a house under $400,000, come to Texas.  Moved to West Virginia. There are many other areas where there are decent neighborhoods that have more affordable housing.  Don’t decide that you want to live in Manhattan or downtown San Francisco and complained about the cost of housing.  Also don’t fall for $400,000 politicians and their promises.

homo unius libri

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