There is a very significant difference between the concept of the American Republic, and the empires and democracies of history.
Historically governments have been established to maintain the power of the upper classes. This is true obviously of monarchies, but it’s also true of pure democracies. Historically democracies have been limited to allowing only the propertied classes to vote and have a voice. Traditionally women were excluded. Slaves obviously had nothing to say. And the poor were not allowed to participate.
The American concept of a constitutional republic is totally different. The goal was to include everyone in the process and to give everyone a voice while avoiding the dangers of pure democracy. Originally women were allowed to vote in some of the colonies. Blacks had a voice. Slaves were excluded but that was temporary and was eventually worked out. People were aware of that problem. But the idea was that the upper classes would not rule everything.
We had this thing called the Checks and Balances. We had the House of Representatives elected by popular vote. Every vote counted. Winner take all in each race. This insure that the lower classes would always have a voice. The House of Representatives controlled the pocket book. The House had the power to impeach.
Originally the Senate was established to maintain the power of those who were more wealthy. Senators were appointed by the state legislatures and governors. This was to insure that the majority rule would not be able to destroy the rights of people simply because they were wealthy. In a constitutional republic, even the rich have rights.
Now it gets a bit sticky and we have to bring in a bit of Bible. What is the purpose of government? In monarchies it was to keep the elite in power and anything advancing that was allowed. The Constitution limits the power of government, however it does make allowance for enforcing the rule of law. And here we need to look at what Paul said in the book of Romans. Yes, he said we are to be supportive of the government.
Romans 13:1 (KJV) Let every soul be subject unto the higher powers. For there is no power but of God: the powers that be are ordained of God.Keep in mind when you read this that we do not live in Empire. We do not have a king, emperor, or local Lord, who has the right to tell us what to do. For us the emperor would be the Constitution, not the president. That is why our military take an oath to the Constitution, and not to the head of state.
In light of this, you need to also understand a key purpose of government.
Romans 13:4 (KJV) For he is the minister of God to thee for good. But if thou do that which is evil, be afraid; for he beareth not the sword in vain: for he is the minister of God, a revenger to execute wrath upon him that doeth evil.The government is to bear the sword. The government is to punish evil. This is a very important distinction. Are we to support our government? Yes. Does the government have a responsibility also? Yes. The government is not there to suppress what we call freedom of speech. The government is there to punish evil.
So when the government goes after those who have been performing evil acts, don’t go all pious on me and start saying, “Oh my goodness let’s be forgiving.” No, it doesn’t work that way. Murder, extortion, coercion, crony capitalism, treason, rape, child trafficking, sex trade, this is only the beginning of the list of crimes against us as citizens and supporting evil in society. It is not just the governments power to punish this evil. It is government responsibility.
Keep in mind the difference between vengeance and punishment. Vengeance is you taking out your personal anger on someone for a wrong you believe has happened to you. Punishment is a just reward of those who have broken the covenant of society and committed evil acts. That is the role of the government.
The government needs to accept that duty. Don’t stand in its way.
homo unius libri
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