CS Lewis wrote a book called Surprised by Joy. It is on my shelf and I have read it but it has been a few years. I think it is a personal love story about the woman he married who was named, strangely enough, Joy.
I might want to write a book called Surprised by Greed. It would not be a personal revelation, but simply an observation. Our culture, which is now controlled by the cultural Marxists*, advocate rich people get to that position out of greed. They are rich because they are greedy. That means that they will do anything to steal the wealth of others. This is cultural Marxism because it is pushing class warfare or identity politics and trying to divide people based on their economic situation.
Of course poor people love a good excuse for why they’re poor. It has been fascinating, watching some of the short, YouTube blurbs where millennials are agitated because they are now expected to work at work. They are shocked that all the free benefits that they weren’t really earning have gone away. They need to look into what happens in the lives of people that win big lottery playoffs. They tend to be back in poverty in a very short time.
What this overlooks is the basic fact that poor people are just as greedy as rich people. They may be less organized and gifted, but they are just as greedy. Some rich people are generous and caring. The same is true of poor people. The point is that people are not defined by their income. They are defined by their values and personality. Those attributes are demonstrated in how they live their lives, the choices they make, the priorities they establish.
Our modern American environment doesn’t lock us into a frozen course in life. Our parents and their style of parenting are very influential, but we can’t get away from the fact that we make choices in friends we hang with, majors in education, jobs we will accept, and even in the car we drive. And all of those things affect where we are in life.
The one thing that we don’t seem to want to admit, unless we come from a Christian background with strong preaching and teaching, is that the big problem lies within us. It is called sin.
(Rom 3:23 KJV) For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God;Maybe I should call my book, “Surprised by Sin.”
*(Liberals, educators, cultural Marxists, the media, socialists, communists, crony capitalists, fascists (I repeat myself), elites, Rinos, Democrats, leftists, Never Trumpers, Antifa, BLM, MSM, Deep State, etc. Synonym for swamp dwellers)
homo unius libri